What is microplastic and why is it so bad?

Microplastics are tiny hard, insoluble plastic particles found in health and beauty products such as toothpaste, cleansers etc. It is still not 100% clear what those beads do to the environment, but removing them out of land and waters is impossible. These little particles (not bigger than a sesame seed) get into the mouth of animals which causes them to suffer and in the end die. It can lead to changes in the tissue, inflammation and many more. Due to the food chain, where small animals get eaten by bigger animals and so on, also our food we eat (especially fish) is full of micro plastic without us knowing. There is not much known about the effects of microplastic on the human but there will be in the future. And I bet it's not positive.

How does microplastic get into the environment?

When we brush our teeth the tooth paste ends up in the drain and like this it gets into the water system. Here the water is filtered to remove the waste. But microplastic is so tiny that it can't be filtered in many times. Like this is gets into the groundwater and in the end into rivers and the ocean. The same happens when we use other beauty products which contain micro plastic.


The other type of microplastic comes from bigger plastic waste which disintegrate from sun, wind, waves and other environmental influences.

