How to be more environmental friendly - 16 tips

Being more environmental friendly is not just about reducing plastic. Its about trying to reduce the effects of climate change (even though I am not sure if is still possible). And being more environmental friendly doen't require much effort. Its just little changes in your daily life which make up a big difference in total. After a while you will not even remember doing it differently.

Here are some easy tips on how to be more environmental friendly and reduce your plastic usage without much effort:

  1. Buy a reusable water bottle → it's much cheaper than buying a plastic bottle every time you go out. Most times we have a bag with us in which we can carry it . Plastic bottles pollute the earth and are not good for our health anyway.
  2. Check your bathroom! → Do you really need so many different shampoos, conditioners and shower gels? I think not. Sort out your bathroom essentials and think about what you really need. Maybe you would like to buy a hair soap? It works just as well as shampoo in a bottle but is more environmental friendly because it's just a soap without plastic packaging. And what about a bamboo toothbrush?
  3. Girls, use a menstrual cup! → We produce so much waste during our period so why not reduce it by using a menstrual cup? It is made out of tested silicone and can be used for up to 10 years! There are many types of menstrual cups, you'll find the right one.
  4. Micro plastic → There is micro plastic in nearly every beauty product we use daily. Download an app like Codecheck (ad) where you scan the products and see if it contains micro plastic. Try to buy products without micro plastic next time you buy new bathroom essentials. And without packaging of course!
  5. Take your own dishes for picnic and food take away. → You don't have to buy paper or plastic plates which you throw away after you leave. Don't forget the cutlery!
  6. Buy a vegetable net for grocery shopping → It's kind of fun to go shopping with it and you don't have to take the little plastic bags you get every time you go grocery shopping.
  7. Buy local! → Many foods and products in the grocery store are imported. This is not good for the environment, as many emissions are consumed by long transport routes. So try to buy as many local and seasonal foods and products which are produced in your country!
  8. Buy a reusable fabric bag → Maybe your grandma or friends have one you can use. Its so small it can fit into your pocket. Next time you go shopping spontaneously you already have your bag with you.
  9. Try to reduce packaged items when you go grocery shopping → This is not so easy but you can definitely change at least a little bit. Try to get unpackaged fruits and vegetables, you got your vegetable net now! And think about if you really need the yogurt in the little packages or if a big one is good as well. Also try to buy local foods, the transport emissions are very high if you get your fruits from a country far away than if you get your foods from your region. Mostly they taste even better!
  10. Buy recycled products → Try to buy recycled items every time you can. Also look for second hand. Some easy examples: recycled toilet paper, recycled paper, second hand bicycle, closet etc. Also try to recycle as much as possible yourself. I bet you can use your old spray bottle for something else now. How about some DIY's?
  11. Reduce your meat intake. → I know a sausage, chicken breast or the salami on your bread in the morning taste super yummy but try to reduce the amount of meat you eat. Do you eat meat everyday? I think 1-2x per week is enough. If you like, you can become a vegetarian or even vegan, make a try month and see how diverse the vegetarian and vegan cuisine is. And the recipes are super easy to make!
  12. Try to avoid harsh chemicals → look on the back of your shampoo, floor cleaner or dish soap. Do you know what any of the ingredients mean? Try to buy products where you know what's inside. This applies to cleaning products as well as foods.
  13. Get on your bike! → Especially now in summer it's so fun to ride a bike, its environmental friendly and you stay fit! Take it to work and but a basket on the front or back for grocery shopping or your bag.
  14. Turn off the lights, stop the water → Turn off the light when you leave the room. Is the sun bright enough, you don't need lights? Stop the water while brushing your teeth or shampooing you hair. Energy and water reduction can save you up to 100 $ a year!
  15. Change your travel habits → Is your destination so far away that you have to take the plane? See if you can also take the train, or maybe there is a traveling community nearby? In most times it's even cheaper and you're on your way to saving the planet.
  16. Educate others! → this point is SO IMPORTANT. Try to tell your friends about your way of being environmental friendly and why it is important. Hopefully they find fun as well and change their habits. Together we can achieve everything.


Start with what is most comfortable for you and work your way through. Every little change makes up a big change in the end.


Why reduce plastic?

Maybe you ask yourself: Why do I have to renounce plastic and not so much paper? Plastic waste is the main problem causing ocean pollution and animal harm. It takes up to 400 years (!) to break down. Paper takes up to 2 months, which is clearly faster. But still it is important to avoid paper waste, because of the natural resources being destroyed by the paper production. Ocean animals eat the plastic particles thinking it is food, which leads them to choke on the plastic particles and die. Its gets back to humans when we are eating fish. Do you like to eat plastic?

What is micro plastic?

Micro plastic are tiny plastic part found in products like shampoos, peelings and toothpaste. They get into our water system and end up in rivers and the ocean where they harm animals.  ...