DIY Body Scrub

For this recipe you will need:


- Sugar

- Coconut or Olive Oil

- (Coffee Grounds)

- Mason Jar


Step 1 : Mix the sugar with the oil in a bowl. It works best using your hand but you can use a spoon as well. I didn't measure the ingredients so you can make your scrub just like you like it. Use less oil for a dryer scrub and more for a more liquid one. Do not use too much oil or else the scrub will get runny and your skin will get super oily.


Step 2 (optional): Add the left over coffee grounds from your morning coffee. It's help with cellulite and tightens the skin.


Step 3 : Fill the finished mixture into the Mason Jar.




NOTE : Do not put the scrub on a high shelf to prevent it from falling down and breaking (like mine did 5 minutes after I made it).